Explanation for analyzing photograph
The shape of flower
Construction of ancient mirrors in China and Japan
(March 2009)
Yagihashi Tsukasa
Ancient Chinese Mirror
Overlap in 6units
Gauge (6units connection)
Explanation of the matrix system
Overlap in 1unit
Ancient Japanese Mirror
Triangle edge mirror with 3Buddha and 3animals
discovery from Shinyama ancient tomb
Overlap in 6units
Overlap in 1unit
Historical total development
The Consecutive
Constructive theory of Buddhism
Arts and Ancient Mirrors
The explanation to the constructive theory of buddhism sculptures that
the early Mathura school shows, the Progressive step in the gupta mathura
school and Asuka sculptures Japan and Vajrayana Mandala Tibet. The origin
of this theory is found in wide Eurasia area before Mahayana.
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